World is a global village and borders, culture, language, race, religion and ethnicity is no longer a bar in love relationship. If you are in love relationship with a person whose first language is other than English then it will be nice to say I Love You in her / his first language, it will show your respect to the language and culture he or she belongs.
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I Love You in Mandarin Chinese
If your girlfriend or boyfriend is Chinese then you can use following to praise and express your love in her or his mother tongue. (No. of Mandarin Chinese Speakers 1.118 billion)
I love you (in Chinese): 我爱你 (wǒ ài nǐ)
This is how you can say I Love You Too 我也爱你 Wǒ yě ài nǐ
Number 520 also used as slang for I Love You in Chinese. The main reason is that the pronunciation of the number 520 is understood as the phrase I love you, or what is the same; wǒ ài nǐ in the Chinese language.
I like you (romantically): 我喜欢你 (wǒ xǐhuan nǐ)
I miss you(in Chinese): 我想你 (wǒ xiǎng nǐ)
To praise your Chinese girlfriend:
You’re beautiful: 你很美丽。(nǐ hěn měilì)
To praise your Chinese boyfriend:
You’re handsome: 你好帅!(nǐ hǎo shuài!)
I like being with you: 我喜欢和你在一起。(wǒ xǐhuān hé nǐ zài yīqǐ)
I Love You in Spanish
Te Amo is the correct phrase for I Love You in Spanish, However Te Quiero also means I Love You but it is more generic and can be used for any relationship. For girlfriend, boyfriend, wife or husband Te Amo is right one. (Spanish Speakers worldwide 548.3 million)
Other romantic phrases and messages in Spanish:
you’re the love of my life – Eres el amor de mi vida
Eres mi media naranja – ‘my other half’ or ‘my soul mate’ BUT literal meaning is “you are my half orange”
Te quiero con todo mi corazón – ‘I love you with all of my heart’
I Love You in French
Paris is most romantic destination and French is the language whose base is romance. Je t’aime means I Love You in French.
Other romantic phrases in French
Je t’aime pour toujours – I love you forever.
Je suis amoureux/amoureuse de toi – I am in love with you. (For Lovers only)
Je t’aime beaucoup – You mean a lot to me.
Je t’aime de toute mon âme – I love you with all of my soul.
Je t’adore – I adore you.
Je t’aime à la folie – I love you like crazy.
(Number of French Speakers 274.1 million)
I Love You in Russian
258.2 million worldwide speaks Russian and it is very rich language and have many words to express the love and feelings. Simplest way to say I Love You in Russian is Ya lyublyu tebya (Я люблю вас). One of the old way to say it is YA lyublyu vas.
I Love You in Portuguese
You can express your love in Portuguese by simply saying “eu te amo“, which means I love you in Portuguese.
- I love you very much – Te amo muito
- I love you so much – Te amo muitíssimo
- I’m in love with you – Eu estou apaixonado por você
- I want you – Eu quero-te
- I’m in love with you – Estou apaixonado por ti
(Portuguese Speakers in the World – 257.7 million)
Here are common ways to say “I love you” in twelve most spoken different languages:
- French: Je t’aime
- Spanish: Te quiero / Te amo
- German: Ich liebe dich
- Italian: Ti amo
- Portuguese: Eu te amo
- Dutch: Ik hou van jou
- Russian: Я люблю тебя (Ya lyublyu tebya)
- Japanese: 愛してる (Aishiteru)
- Mandarin Chinese: 我爱你 (Wǒ ài nǐ)
- Korean: 사랑해 (Saranghae)
- Arabic: أحبك (Ana bahibak)
- Hindi: मैं तुमसे प्यार करता/करती हूँ (Main tumse pyar karta/karti hoon)